It takes a village to run a band crossing six schools and eight grades. We need your help!
Current Volunteer Opportunities
Additional Opportunities to Get Involved
Signups Available!
We are using Signup Genius to organize our volunteers.​
We have several to choose from.
​There will be more as the year progresses. Thank you!
Sign up on the MISBB Volunteer List
Add your name to the Mercer Island Schools Band Booster volunteer list and be contacted about additional activities throughout the year. This is a great way to meet other parents while supporting our students.
Thank you for signing up to help!
Examples of Volunteer Opportunities
All Island Band Volunteer Opportunities
Throughout the year, we have a variety of events where we would love your help! Field trips and impromptu activities are always coming up, watch your email for these.
All Island Band BBQ
Help with our yearly BBQ. Great food, fun (dunk the directors), and a perfect way to get to know band families before the school year starts.
All Island Band Night
Every fall, our 5th-8th graders join MIHS for a special half-time performance at a football game. Be a chaperone and listen to the 5th gr play "Hot Cross Buns"!
Band Together
In early November, MISBB holds THE party of the year, Band Together! Contact BandTogether@MISBB.org if you want to get involved!
MIHS Marching Band Volunteer Opportunities
Every home football game, our high school band marches from the school to the stadium, performs on the field and in the stands, and marches back to the Amphitheater to perform for the 5th quarter celebration. We need volunteers to keep the students safe and properly decked out in their uniforms! No previous volunteer experience is required!
Uniform Distribution
Late spring, we need help sizing the kids so during August's band camp, we can fit and distribute their marching band uniforms.
Uniform Crew
Before the game, make sure the kids look sharp and after the 5th Quarter celebration, make sure the kids hang up their uniforms for the next performance.
Traffic Crew
Keep the kids safe from cars as they march from the high school to the stadium before the game and vice versa after the game.
Plume Distribution
A few minutes before halftime, the kids will enter the track and we will put in the plumes. After the halftime performance, we take the plumes out.
Equipment Crew
Set up the ladders, platform, and equipment needed for the halftime show and tear down and return it after the game.
Water Crew
Keep our band crew hydrated and happy while in the stands.