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Come on out and watch all of our island bands, from 5th through 12th grade, perform. The 5th graders are always the crowd favorites playing "Hot Cross Buns" and "Go Tell Aunt Rhodie".  The IMS bands will perform with the MIHS marching band at half-time of the football game and the 8th grader band will perform with the MIHS band in the football stands during the 3rd quarter.

All Island Band Night

2024 AIBN

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Call Times

Thursday, October 24th

@ MIHS Stadium


5th, 6th Grade

5:45-7:30 pm


7th Grade

6:00-7:30 pm


8th Grade

6:15 to 8:00 pm 






Call times are tentative. Always check  the email from the directors for your most current call times.


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Friday, October 25th

@ MIHS Stadium


No Food Truck Frenzy this year


5th-6th Grade 

5:45 pm - End of Half Time​


7th Grade 

6:00 pm - End of Half Time


8th Grade

6:00 pm - End of 3rd Quarter



5:00 pm, MIHS Stadium


Football game starts

7:00pm, MIHS Stadium


Release schedule

5th-7th Gr, after halftime

8th Gr, after 3rd quarter


Times are tentative. Check your email from the directors as things change quickly.

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Thursday, October 24th & Friday, October 25th


We need your help!  With nearly 700 band students, we can't do this without you.


Volunteer Here


We need 5th-8th grade adult chaperones. For MIHS band, we need our marching band game volunteers for Friday's game and traffic for both Thursday's rehearsal and Friday's Game.


5th-8th Gr Parent Volunteer Orientation


MIHS Stadium Field

All Island Band Night FAQs

What is All Island Band Night?

All Island Band Night (AIBN) is a marching band performance of ALL of our Mercer Island bands from 5th - 12th grade. Our nearly 700 band students will perform at halftime at a home football game, typically in October. Come see our perennial favorite, "Hot Cross Buns" performed by our 5th graders.

How do I get tickets?

You will need a ticket into the football game to watch the halftime show.  Tickets will be available for sale during the rehearsal so you can avoid the lines at the box office on the evening of the game. You can also get your tickets online and show your receipt at the gate.

What is the Food Truck Frenzy? (No Frenzy this year)

Come early to All Island Band Night and feed your family at these yummy vendor's trucks.  Join us starting at 5:00 p.m. in front of MIHS in the drive through.  The Jazz Band will entertain us in the amphitheater during dinner and we will be treated to a step off and quick performance by our MIHS Marching Band on their way to the field at 6:30 p.m.

When will my band student be excused?

We'll watch the first half of the game together, perform during halftime, and then release your 5th-7th grade student back to you right after halftime.  Our 8th graders will sit with our MIHS Marching Band during 3rd quarter to help play all our 'shorts' during the football game. We'll release our 8th graders immediately after 3rd quarter. 

What should my band student wear?

Your 5th-8th grade band student will get instructions on what colors to wear on the evening of the performance.  The weather can vary quite a bit in October.  Make sure your student wears comfortable, warm clothing. 



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