If your student (or family) are looking for additional opportunities to stay connected to making or listening to music over the summer. These resources might be interesting for you. Intelligent Music Practice Cml.music.utexas.edu Interesting collection of articles on body mapping from world famous Tubist, Pat Sheridan http://bodymap.org/main/?cat=27 Additional Flute Resources for all levels http://keithflute.com/Keithflute/keith_underwood.html https://fabulousflute.com/ Clarinet Resources for all levels Scott Wright's Facebook Page: WildcatClarinetwork https://www.facebook.com/wildcatclarinetwork Michael Lowenstern's YouTube Channel: Earspasm Music https://www.youtube.com/user/earspasm Horn A Website featuring practice tips and tricks for the developing horn player https://thehornprofessor.com Saxophone If you play the saxophone, here is a library of resources for you https://tamingthesaxophone.com/ Percussion Want to develop your drum set skills? Check out this Youtube Drum Lessons Chanel https://www.youtube.com/user/drumlessonscom All Brass Instruments Check out this "Brass Junkies" Podcast featuring some of the best brass musicians around https://www.pedalnotemedia.com/the-brass-junkies
